By Sara M, Founder

Men’s Skincare 101: How to use Serums in your skincare routine

Despite what you may have heard, skincare isn’t just for women! Skincare is for everyone. Men especially can benefit from a daily skincare regime that protects and pampers their unique skin. (Sorry to break it to you, but soap and water aren’t enough!)

While you may have been skipping out on skincare until now. We promise that stepping into the world of skincare doesn’t have to be scary, complicated, or expensive. A skincare regimen for men can be as simple as cleanse, treat, moisturize. To prove it, we’re covering a basic men’s skincare routine that any guy can customize and incorporate into his daily routine.

Read on for our beginner’s guide to men’s skincare.

Is Men’s Skin Different Than Women’s?

Yes! It’s true that men’s skin is different than women’s. Male skin is around 20% thicker thanks to higher testosterone levels and more active oil glands. While this means men’s skin is generally firmer and less prone to irritation, it can also lead to larger-looking pores and more sebum-producing oil glands. Men also have more hair follicles on the face, which can cause clogged pores, ingrown hairs, and razor burn in places you might shave.

5 Reasons Why Men Need a Skincare Routine

Do I really need a skincare routine? The answer is yes! Just like all other forms of grooming and self-care, skincare plays a massive role in our overall health and appearance. After all, the skin is the body’s largest organ!

Implementing skincare into your daily routine helps care for your skin from the inside out so you look and feel your best. Here are some more reasons why following a daily skincare routine is totally worth it:

  1. Personalized results: There is no one-size-fits-all skincare routine that works for all men. The truth is that all of us are different! Our skin included. We all have different skincare concerns as well as skin types that range from dry and sensitive to oily and acne-prone. Knowing your skin type and goals can help you discover what elements make your perfect skincare routine.

  2. Clear, healthy skin: Because of higher testosterone levels, guys are more prone to blackheads and breakouts. The good news is that a daily skincare routine helps treat and prevent blemishes, which makes having clear, healthy skin just a regular thing for you.

  3. Confidence boost: There’s truth to the saying that when you look good, you feel good. Reaping the skin benefits of a consistent routine means you’ll feel happier and more confident as you go about your day-to-day.

  4. Slows down aging: While we all want to get older, we don’t necessarily want our skin to look like it! A consistent skincare routine that includes beneficial ingredients (like retinol, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid) helps slow down signs of aging by stimulating collagen production, improving the appearance of fine lines, and boosting skin cell turnover.

  5. Cleaner shave: Washing your face and exfoliating with acid-based products helps prep your skin for a closer, cleaner shave by buffing away dead skin cells and removing bacteria.

A Beginner-Friendly Skincare Routine for Men

You don’t need a 10-step skincare routine to see results! The Svens Effect is our tried and true three-step routine that’s simple yet effective, so it fits easily into even the busiest schedules!

1. Cleanse

You want your skincare routine to start on a clean slate—which is why it’s oh-so-important to wash your face morning and evening! Use a gentle face wash in the morning to rinse away any sweat and bacteria from the night. Cleanse away dirt, oil, and pollutants from the day to kickstart your evening routine.

2. Apply

Here’s where the fun starts! Step two in your beginner-friendly skincare routine is all about serums. A face serum is a skincare product you apply to your skin after cleansing and before moisturizing. They’re packed with powerful ingredients that actively target specific skincare concerns, like wrinkles or dullness.

While you can layer multiple serums in your routine, we recommend men just starting their skincare journey stick with one serum that suits their skin needs and goals. Once your skin acclimates to the active ingredients, feel free to mix and match serums to suit your needs!

If your skin needs hydration…Try our Hyaluronic Acid with Vitamin C & Vitamin E Serum.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “Wow, my skin feels tight and irritated.” It’s because your skin is dehydrated and lacks the water it needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Imagine how thirsty you’d be walking through a vast desert without any water—that’s your skin without hydrating skincare ingredients!

Our Hyaluronic Acid Serum is a great option for guys who want a simple, straightforward product with loads of benefits. Hyaluronic acid, a powerful humectant that draws water from the environment into your skin, immediately quenches your skin’s thirst. The results? Plump, hydrated skin that looks and feels refreshed.

Use: Daily

If you want to control oiliness…Try our Niacinamide 10% + Zinc PCA 1% Serum

It’s true that men’s skin tends to be more oily than women's, but that’s where skincare comes in! To combat excess oiliness, rough skin texture, and large pores, reach for our Niacinamide Serum. We utilize a potent concentration of niacinamide (vitamin B3) alongside anti-inflammatory zinc to regulate sebum production, minimize the appearance of pores, and combat breakouts. It’s a must-have for guys who work out (or breakout!).

Use: Daily

If you want to brighten…Try our Vitamin C with Vitamin E & Hyaluronic Acid Serum

If you want to give your skincare routine a brightening boost, vitamin C is the ingredient for you. Vitamin C is one of the most beloved antioxidants in skincare and makes for an ideal beginner-friendly ingredient! This antioxidant powerhouse works around the clock to protect skin from external pollutants and UV damage, as well as enhance skin’s overall radiance, target dark spots and uneven tone, and boost collagen production for a youthful complexion.

Use: Daily

If you want to target signs of aging… Try our Retinol with Vitamin E & Hyaluronic Acid Serum

If preventing signs of skin aging like wrinkles and dark spots is your main concern, there’s no better ingredient to reach for than retinol. Retinol, an active form of vitamin A, is beloved by skin experts and newbies alike for its scientifically proven anti-aging effects.

Among retinol’s many benefits include improving skin firmness, evening skin tone, increasing collagen production, and reducing the appearance of fine lines. We’ve also included vitamin E and hyaluronic acid in our Retinol Serum to boost its anti-aging benefits and add more soothing, hydrating benefits.

Use: Work your way up to daily use in your nightly routine.

If your skin needs exfoliation…Try our Hydrate & Renewal Serum with Retinol + Glycolic Acid

We all need a little exfoliation now and again. But rather than turning to harsh scrubs, we recommend applying a leave-on facial serum enriched with exfoliants like glycolic acid. It might sound intimidating at first, but this chemical exfoliant works to remove dead cells from the surface of your skin that contribute to dullness, rough patches, and even acne. By sloughing off those unnecessary skin cells, you not only improve your skin’s texture and tone but also ensure that healthy skin cells return in their place.

While our Glycolic Acid Serum is a gentler option than facial scrubs, you don’t want to over-exfoliate. Use this serum twice a week for radiant results.

Use: Once to twice a week.

Okay, so you’ve picked your perfect serum, but how do you apply it? For our serums, you’ll want to apply 3-5 drops to your face and neck, gently patting in the product rather than rubbing it in. If there is any leftover, apply it to the backs of your hands!

3. Moisturize

To seal in all that skincare goodness, it’s essential to moisturize! Moisturizers are rich in emollients – AKA skin softening ingredients – that help repair the skin barrier and prevent water from escaping. Applying moisturizer while your face is still damp (like right after using your serums) will lock in that vital moisture and any skincare ingredients already on your skin, so you get the maximum benefits of each product!

To keep your complexion healthy and hydrated, always end your skincare routine with a nourishing moisturizer suitable for your skin type. A thick cream with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid is perfect for skin on the drier side. If your skin leans more oily or combination, a lightweight moisturizer or gel cream will nourish without feeling too heavy.

Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays is essential during the daytime. We suggest using a designated moisturizer that includes SPF 30 or higher to prevent dark spots and other signs of aging. Use a non-SPF moisturizer in the evening.

As you can see, an effective men’s skincare routine can be as simple as cleanser, serum, and moisturizer. To see the best results, be sure to stay consistent and choose products that address your specific skin concerns.


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